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Key Love, grace and beauty. Desirability. Protect and strengthens.  Bring out delicate femininity. Empowering.  Makes men chill and less aggressive. Brings out beauty in the singing voice.



Key Slow growth is still growth. Focus on what needs to be done and move forward.

Essence Often to protect ourselves emotionally we create a hard exterior. But consider this, to post something delicate, would you wrap it in something hard? No, this wouldn’t protect it. Instead we’d use something soft like bubble wrap.  Wrapping yourself in a hard exterior doesn’t protect you either. You need a soft comforting layer like a fluffy blanket. This is what this essence teaches you, to wrap yourself in softness to heal your soft interior and in so doing not attract difficulty. Doing things slowly, you will not waste time or resources, you build abundance for the future.

Personality Good for people with a hard exterior. You can protect yourself without wearing a suit of armour. Let down your barriers. Show your softer side. Do you rush around? There’s always another day. Sometimes we need to accept we’ve been through traumas and it’s OK to take things slow. Do what you can. Don’t beat yourself up about things you are not doing.  We don’t have to grow fast to see growth. Slow growth still creates abundance and stability. Take things in your stride, go with the flow.

Notes The Hawthorn is a slow growing hard wood that grows massive thorns. Thorns are protective but in terms of this essence its doesn’t give you a spiky aura. It takes it away and leaves you protected.

The hawthorn (the same family as apple), was planted round boundaries as protection. Ancient hedgerows are often made up of hawthorn. It was used magically to ward off witches. But is also considered a witches tree.

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg

10 ml, 20 ml


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