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Create a vibrant future

You’re in good hands. White Hawk has more than 30 years of experience in helping people overcome their struggles…

Let's get going...


If you could wake up every morning feeling everything in your life is great?

You have found love.

Family life is wonderful and your kids are the best.

Support is there and you have found your calling.

You enjoy your work.

Abundance comes to you in all forms and nothing is unobtainable.

All of this can become true for you.

Find your power through flower essences now!

What we offer

helping you thrive

N.B Flower essences should not be confused with aromatherapy oils.
Flower essences are mostly taken orally. All information about individual flower essences are on this site.

Our approach is holistic

Complimentary Therapy

About White Hawk

White Hawk is a complimentary therapist living and working in London England.

She says, “Healing was not something I planned as a career, it just evolved…”

As a child, she had often had adverse reactions to conventional medicines, so in her 20s she began to investigate complimentary therapies. In 1987 she discovered her own healing ability and began to practice healing.

As a child she was fascinated by the natural world and bought seeds to grow flowers. Years later in 1993 she met a flower essence maker and was inspired to make her own range of essences after a dream about flowers.

“At first I made flower essences for clients who came for healing. I found  they were giving people a big helping hand. This led me to become even more involved with this branch of work.”

“Essences have changed my life in ways I could never have imagined. I have done things I thought I was unable to, or have the courage to do. They could transform your life too.”

Her latest book is published on Amazon: “New Life Essences, Create a New Life”.

* White Hawk’s name is in keeping with the tradition of the medicine men and women who were, in the past, and still are today, the care givers and preservers of health, ensuring balance in people’

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Questions Answered

What you need to know about flower essences

Essences work along similar lines to homeopathy. But they not the same. Flower essences are mostly taken orally and can change the way you think or feel. They can help you in positive ways so you can move forward in areas of your life where you feel stuck.

A: All flowers have their own blue print, personality. This is what is often referred to as the doctrine of signatures. These blue prints are first transferred in water and then preserved in alcohol. (Please note they are NOT aromatherapy and do not have a smell).  

A: They work by introducing messages into our emotional and spiritual bodies that then trigger a natural inherent response within us.

A: They are made by infusing flowers in spring water, in sunlight or moonlight (or both) and then are kept in alcohol, mostly Brandy.

A: Yes, anyone including children and animals can take them.

They are natural and safe for everyone.

A: Essences have been given to babies and animals, which were not able to read the information, so couldn’t have been influenced by what it said about the essences.

A: They can help you with many of life’s struggles. Such as grief, confidence, lack of focus, anger and many more besides.

A: Essences can be taken orally, but there are other ways to use them too.

A: A suggested dose is 5 drops 2-3 times a day.

Some people only need 2 or 3 drops, others like to take more, up to about 8 drops at any one time of any essence.

A: Some people like to take one at time, so they can get to know what that essence is doing. Often 2-3 work well together. Some people are happy to work with more at the same time.

A: Some people find after the first dose they notice a difference, others find that it takes more time. The essences can take a few days or a few weeks. It depends on the essence and the person. Some work fast, others work slowly. Everyone has their own experience of them.

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