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Key Break free of your chrysalis and fly free. Be flamboyant shine your beautiful wings in the world and enjoy the nectar. Looking after resources. Growth, expansion. Creativity, abundance and change.



Key Break free of your chrysalis and fly free. Be flamboyant shine your beautiful wings in the world and enjoy the nectar. Looking after resources. Growth, expansion. Creativity, abundance and change.

Personality Suitable for those who are fixed in how they do things. Good for those who find they can’t settle easily and feel restless.

Essence Are you wasteful? Re-cycle and re-use. Do spend without a thought. Are you living above your means? Be aware of your spending, how to look after money and resources. Do you check to see if you have something before you go and buy it? Giving shouldn’t bankrupt you or leave you heavily in debt. Have you thought about making presents? Perhaps you are good at baking, writing, sewing or D.I.Y. Be aware of what you can afford. Work out what to keep, throw away or repair. Are you looking after your home? Perhaps you have things you don’t need and could sell? Broken appliances? Time to get rid of things that don’t work? Clear out and tidy up. Everything will flow including your thoughts. Do you feel stale in your style. Re-invent yourself and get creative. Expand old talents and explore new ones.

Spiritual Helps those of a fixed nature to become more fluid and flexible. Change starts with you!

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg

10 ml, 20 ml


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