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Key Motivation. Achieve without resistance and procrastination. Move into new areas without fear.



Key Motivation. Achieve without resistance and procrastination. Move into new areas without fear.

Personality Helpful for moving house, careers or moving on from old relationships. It makes it easier to motivate others, so is good for people in authority, or who have to give instruction. Good for children who find change difficult. Essence Get rid of despondency and don’t waste time. Focuses the mind and releases confusion about what you should be doing. Courage to move in new directions without fear. Renews depleted energy, so life is great and moving forward. Galvanizes you into action to do work, which is long overdue. Feel good about your achievements.

Notes I have been growing these bright sunny flowers since I was 7 years old. The first I grew from seed. Nasturtiums are great for children to experience the thrill of planting seeds, with them sprouting as early as ten days after sowing. They waste no time in growing! The leaves and flowers are edible but bitter. Nasturtium are from the watercress family.

Colour Bright Orange, yellow and deep red.

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg

10 ml, 20 ml


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