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Key View the past dispassionately. Release stale elderly energy.



Key View the past dispassionately. Release stale elderly energy.

Personality For people who feel they have not had a particularly good or easy life. They have constantly helped and cared for others, to the detriment of themselves, but have never given a great deal of themselves away to others, for fear of intrusion. These people have strong feelings and emotions, but cover them up. They don’t give themselves much credit for their achievements, or feel they’ve achieved nothing at all. They’re quick to put others before themselves in other words, martyrdom.

Emotional Reduces negative and defensive thinking habits. Reinforces self-esteem, positive attitudes and behaviour; enables life to be embraced warmly and openly, with a brighter outlook. Opens a window to heal your past so you can remember events, how you felt, without getting emotional. Spiritual It’s good for those who have in the past or currently spend time round elderly people. Golden Window disposes of old heavy energy from the aura. Opens the heart chakra; improves perpetual clarity during therapies, meditation, past and present life regression, especially when dealing with aspects of childhood.

Colour Yellow.


Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg

10 ml, 20 ml


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