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Who is White Hawk

White Hawk is a complimentary therapist living and working in London England.

She says, “Healing was not something I planned as a career, it just evolved…” As a child she was fascinated by the natural world and bought seeds to grow flowers. As an adult in 1993 she met a flower essence maker and was inspired to make her own range of essences after a dream about flowers. “At first I made flower essences for clients who came for healing. I found  they were giving people a big helping hand. This led me to become even more involved with this branch of work.”

“Essences have changed my life in ways I could never have imagined. I have done things I thought I was unable to, or have the courage to do. They could transform your life too.”

I love working with essences. They never cease to amaze me. Although I have made them, work with them and write about them, in many ways I don’t feel they belong to me. I am there custodian. They are a wonderful gift to those who want to make changes in their lives or those who are over coming difficulties. If you haven’t tried essences before, you’ve got nothing to loose and a whole lot to gain!

Her latest book “New Life Essences, Create a New Life” is published on Amazon.

Welcome to White Hawk Therapies

Affiliations: BAFEP